Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The House in the Cerulean Sea | Review

I am but paper. Brittle and thin.

This book was incredible. I wish I could remember how it first came to me, perhaps it was the cover, perhaps a random passing recommendation, but whatever put it in my path, I'm so thankful for it!

I am held up to the sun, and it shines right through me.

I absolutely loved this book. A touching story, set it a world oh so similar to ours, where a middle aged man, who struggles with his confidence and self worth, works as a child protective service representative for magical children. He has been in the same position for many years, and though he truly cares for the children that he's assessing, wanting them to have safe homes, he's never let himself get too close. But then he goes to a fairy tale like ocean village with an island on the cerulean sea and finds something he never thought he would have, or even dreamed of. And they found him.

These scratches are a history. They're a story. They tell things for others to read, but they only see the words, and not what the words on written upon.

This story, though completely new, threw me into a sense of nostalgia. For me at least, this book was heavily reminiscent of those stories read to you in elementary school. Wholesome, sweet, with a strong message and an ending that may leave your memory with time, but never your heart.

I am but paper, though there are many like me, none are exactly the same.

I really only have one negative. And that is when they begin to address the injustice/ hatred humans have for magical beings, it comes off a little hard. Like it really drills in with questions and leaves little for the readings imaginations. But truly, doesn't effect the book for me overall.

It still had beautiful people, lessons, words. I would definitely say I'm a very emotional person, but sometimes its hard with books, alot easier with visual media because the acting helps. So it REALLY means something when I can tear up and get all choked up with a book.

This book left me feeling so good and I love the idea of this place. I would dare say, if someone asked me: "Wish you were here?" I would say yes, of course yes.

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