Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wayward Son | Review

"Your hero's journey might be over-
but your life has just begun."

Was I a little miffed when the story started and everyone wasnt madly in love, yeah pretty much. But it's not a simple everyone in love story. Just like the first book, these people feel real, their issues feel real and realistic. Even if one of them does have dragon wings and a devil tale.

I really enjoyed this book. It gave me feelings of Riordans stories.  A group of friends just trying to get from point A to point B and  a thousand things interrupting them along the way.

I think Simon is precious and no wonder Penny is always trying to protect him. I was pretty heart broken in those early pages when Simon was feeling ALL of the heavy from his life. Im glad Rowell started it this way so we can see his change during the journey.

I loved hearing from Simon as he loved his time in America. I think its really interesting how they deal with magic and their limitations. I thought it interesting how we get more of Simon's back story, little snip its of his days of being a weapon for the mage. I like how hes not useless just because he doesnt have magic.

Lets talk a little bit about America, and compare to our favorite Magic series Harry Potter. I think its fascinating that Rowell has America as such a dangerous place. It kind of makes sense, the way people came to America and how everyone is mixed in. Where as England stayed small and structured.
Also lets give Rowell a round of applause for coming up with terms such as "Speakers" for mages (instead of a certain term for witches and wizards in America we wont name here) Especially when you get the back story that EVERYONE is magical and its kind of Pompous for mages to call themselves that just because they can control magic. Really interest take on it, in my humble opinion. Unfortunately, though, by the end I feel like America seems a little TOO dangerous, and not too likable.

Theres something so simple and beautiful about Simon. I love how in the middle of their hectic dangerous adventure where everyone seems miserable you just switch to Simons point of view and hes just thinking about the landscape, the sky and the passing view. Theres a really cute moment where they think Simon fell out of the truck but really hes just flying in the air. I cant express how simply beautiful some moments of this book are!

Spoiler Talk for the End:

I was really getting concerned as we headed into the final chapters. I didnt understand how we didnt really seem to be coming to a meaningful resolution yet. Welp! I didnt expect it to leave it on a cliff hanger and there to be ANOTHER sequel.

I was really hoping to get more of a contemporary feel out of this book. (I havent read Rowells others but I know thats what shes known for) So Im actually disappointed it devolved into this crazy Vampire fight, and then ended on a cliff hanger that eludes to more issues in the magic world. I was kinda hoping we would just rescue Agatha and get some really chill sweet moments. I feel like its also counter to the Epilogue at the beginning and my quote I pasted in my review. It makes it seem the "epic journey" is over so you should live your "normal" life. Definitely didnt translate into the book.

My honest opinion, and initial reaction is that I don't really like this. I felt like all the characters went on such a great journey. Unlike Carry On (which I know was purposely supposed to be a one and done) this book doesn't HAVE a conclusion really. I very much enjoyed the first half, but over all the book was a little too sad with not enough highlighted moments. I cant imagine giving it much of a reread, especially with its ending.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Carry On | Review

I haven't really started to reread books yet. Ive only really gotten into heavy reading last year and Ive had too many books to read to go for ones Ive already finished.
But in the spirit of absolutely loving it the first time and its sequel coming out I made the excellent decision to go through it again.

Its still a beautiful story and I flew through it soaking up every moment. I think its beautiful but tragic. One thing I think is nice to talk about is the "happy ending" isnt perfect and Simon reasonably has trauma after the whole ordeal. (Something missing from the series it is always compared to)

Speaking of which: I know its compared to Harry Potter as it's basically is its own take on Harrys story, but its also so vastly different that picking the differences actually makes it all the more better.
The "Hagrid" character actually being one of the most powerful mages is interesting. Theres ofcourse the "Dumbledore" character being very aggressive and a perfect gray character. Its basically if Albus never had his revelation after his sisters incident and he stayed more like Grindelwald.

The way it ended was so interesting and It deviated SO far from Harrys ending I loved it!

I loved Penny and her deep love for Simon. Though i found her annoying I think Agathas character was an interesting point of view to have and I think rounds out the story with her. I even like Baz even though I usually dont go for his type of character. (I definitely stayed away from Draco fan fics)

The book is just fun, cute, witty, and if I haven't said it enough, beautiful.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Skyward | Review

This book came to me just in time to prevent a reading slump. I loved this compelling story with real characters and a lot of emotional investment.

I was always thinking, "What is the mystery? What Is The Mystery? WHAT IS THE MYSTERY?" You were able to theorize for so much of  the book as it slowly gave you bread crumbs, it kept you reading more and more. And in normal Sanderson fashion, by the end i was still shocked and in love with the outcome!

Its incredibly sad as the book progresses but it's refreshing to get these stories that aren't perfect where everything is happily ever after for all the characters.

Spen's development is amazing. Maybe its because I haven't read very good ones lately, but seeing her grow and change was just beautiful to read.

OK seriously, how does a "computer" replaying Spens message "Please, I need you." and decide to "rewrite" his programming make me CHOKE UP!? Such good writing Sanderson!

I cant wait for the sequel. I wish at this point I would have waited to read it until closer to its drop!

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Return of the King | Review

"I'm glad you here with me. Here at the end of all things."
So here we come to the end, finally.
What I wanted to get out of this book was to expand my love on the movies and what knowledge of the lore I have gathered so far. Its sad that I didnt get the journey I was quite hoping for as the writing held it back so much. The Ending is the only part that gave me what i was hoping for, that extra look and depth into things that didnt make it into the film.

After getting toward the end, after The Ring is destroyed, my friend and I were overcome with this idea, and as I kept reading I wished for it more and more. That Idea that someone modernize and rewrite Lord of the Rings. When you combine my fervent watches of the films, my love of the lore and what Ive read with this book: the departing scenes really mean something. But if you just relied on the book I feel like the characters moments dont mean as much.
I feel like the book was too weighed down with over explanation of the area and where they were going instead of the people, their emotions, interactions and bonds.
I think the writing style is too aged for most to enjoy. Im sure no one will attempt this because too many would find it blasphemous, but I know there are writers out there that can rewrite this and make it digestible and not frustrating. Hopefully one day.

The ending of the book was so bitter/sweet. For the characters in the novel, and for myself as well. I feel like it was the strongest of the three books.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Keeper of the Lost Cities

My Star rating is going to be higher than my actual enjoyment of this book. Primarily because this is a middle grade book and geared for younger audiences.

I think what is enjoyable about the book for such readers will the interesting powers, the academy magic school setting and...the animals? (Also I dont know where to fit this in but I love the covers for all of these books)
I dont know I couldnt think of too many. They will probably like Sophie, I had problems with her and I will discuss below. I also like how it didnt stick to a formulaic trio or duo or anything like that. Different adults and students were always coming in and out and made the world feel more populated than books that make it seem like "these three people running through an empty world.

I think whats GOOD about the book is it sends some interesting and deep messages. It discusses human's lack of care for the earth(though its alittle annoying to be beat over the head with it and makes you feel like a crappy human). The importance of family, Sophie's struggle at losing a family, and the parents who struggle when having lost their child.

Furthermore, I think younger fans of Harry Potter will feel a connection to this book as well. It has a similar set up (actually really similar the more I think about it...) so it will feel familiar.

The negatives and why I didnt enjoy it (though as I said younger readers probably wont mind and I dont think it deserves a low star rating because its not in my age range.)
-Sophie's power struggle was pretty annoying. She was the unique chosen one with a ridiculous amount of being over powered. It gets irritating when so many conversations in the book are "Ive never seen that before, you're the only one that can do that" blah blah blah. I felt like they kind of balanced her out by not know alot about the world, being bad at "physical education" and alchemy. But its still heavily overshadowed by all the stuff she is NATURALLY good at. She didnt have to really struggle at all. They set up shes a good student, but didnt quite show it.
-Dax - He was incredibly annoying. Ive never seen such a jealous nuisance of a friend. I actually think this character does NOT pose a good representation to the younger audience. He doesn't face any repercussions for constantly calling out Fitz and his family, and (spoiler) the part where she tells him her family wont adopt her and he just cares that Fitz knew first and now hes gonna live with them. I just heavily sighed while reading and wished he'd go away. But no of course he has to end up in the climax getting kidnapped.
-The adoption drama. This also kind of annoyed me, I guess it makes sense that if you just see it from Sophies point of view she wouldn't understand how they are struggling. But shes just really bratty about it and she doesn't really apologize or understand why they chose to cancel it in the end.
First off, they weren't together that long or have too many interactions for me to feel the deep bond. Second, This little girl just kind of falls into their life, almost kills herself every day and doesnt understand why this family who already lost a child may not want to risk this. GRANTED, yes i think its really sweet the message of these people finding each other after loss but the way it was written was irritating.
And in the end its kind of just like, Parents crying and saying "YES WE WANT YOU YOU PERFECT CHILD WE LOVE YOU." And sophies like, yea ok! (Dax in the background cheering because shes not living with Fitz, which actually funny bc that makes it less awkward for Fitz and Sophie to start dating so HAHA Dax, hate him)
-Lastly the ending (obviously spoilers) Its kinda annoying to believe when she got kidnapped she didnt just Telekineticly kick their ***'s since you know..shes amazing. Even if shes drugged. Oh but of course she gets a whole NEW power because how could she not be even more special.

*SIGH* Thats most of my rant, again, its like a lower grade version of Harry Potter. Pretty cheesy, Sophies too special to not be annoying to read about. Dax can not show up for the sequel. There you go, theres my review.