Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wayward Son | Review

"Your hero's journey might be over-
but your life has just begun."

Was I a little miffed when the story started and everyone wasnt madly in love, yeah pretty much. But it's not a simple everyone in love story. Just like the first book, these people feel real, their issues feel real and realistic. Even if one of them does have dragon wings and a devil tale.

I really enjoyed this book. It gave me feelings of Riordans stories.  A group of friends just trying to get from point A to point B and  a thousand things interrupting them along the way.

I think Simon is precious and no wonder Penny is always trying to protect him. I was pretty heart broken in those early pages when Simon was feeling ALL of the heavy from his life. Im glad Rowell started it this way so we can see his change during the journey.

I loved hearing from Simon as he loved his time in America. I think its really interesting how they deal with magic and their limitations. I thought it interesting how we get more of Simon's back story, little snip its of his days of being a weapon for the mage. I like how hes not useless just because he doesnt have magic.

Lets talk a little bit about America, and compare to our favorite Magic series Harry Potter. I think its fascinating that Rowell has America as such a dangerous place. It kind of makes sense, the way people came to America and how everyone is mixed in. Where as England stayed small and structured.
Also lets give Rowell a round of applause for coming up with terms such as "Speakers" for mages (instead of a certain term for witches and wizards in America we wont name here) Especially when you get the back story that EVERYONE is magical and its kind of Pompous for mages to call themselves that just because they can control magic. Really interest take on it, in my humble opinion. Unfortunately, though, by the end I feel like America seems a little TOO dangerous, and not too likable.

Theres something so simple and beautiful about Simon. I love how in the middle of their hectic dangerous adventure where everyone seems miserable you just switch to Simons point of view and hes just thinking about the landscape, the sky and the passing view. Theres a really cute moment where they think Simon fell out of the truck but really hes just flying in the air. I cant express how simply beautiful some moments of this book are!

Spoiler Talk for the End:

I was really getting concerned as we headed into the final chapters. I didnt understand how we didnt really seem to be coming to a meaningful resolution yet. Welp! I didnt expect it to leave it on a cliff hanger and there to be ANOTHER sequel.

I was really hoping to get more of a contemporary feel out of this book. (I havent read Rowells others but I know thats what shes known for) So Im actually disappointed it devolved into this crazy Vampire fight, and then ended on a cliff hanger that eludes to more issues in the magic world. I was kinda hoping we would just rescue Agatha and get some really chill sweet moments. I feel like its also counter to the Epilogue at the beginning and my quote I pasted in my review. It makes it seem the "epic journey" is over so you should live your "normal" life. Definitely didnt translate into the book.

My honest opinion, and initial reaction is that I don't really like this. I felt like all the characters went on such a great journey. Unlike Carry On (which I know was purposely supposed to be a one and done) this book doesn't HAVE a conclusion really. I very much enjoyed the first half, but over all the book was a little too sad with not enough highlighted moments. I cant imagine giving it much of a reread, especially with its ending.

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