Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Alloy of Law | Review

I was nervous to start this series. The Mistborn trilogy was so amazing I felt adding to it might diminish, but honestly it didnt.
Enough time has passed since Hero of Ages that it still felt good. Honestly these are the stories I prefer anyway. I like the smaller scale stories, like The Final Empire, and it was just an enjoyable read and nice to see the outcome and legacy of our wonderful heroes from Mistborn.

I loved that it was shorter that First era so it wasnt much of an undertaking. It so far doesn't have as many deep twists as First Era but still had some surprises. Im just really happy I continued, this is definitely a great book to take with you on vacation, on car rides etc, Its a quick, fun, witty read.

The development of the powers was increible to see. I loved to see how things have changed, and not all questions have been answered.

I definitely recommend this series to any Mistborn First Era fan!


Wax was fun. Raw and wholesome. Very competent with a rich history. Morally uplifting with an understanding of how easily you can fall.

Marasi was competent and a refreshing female character. I liked her logic, the way she introduced and slowly built up was intriguing. I cant wait to see more of her in book 2.

Wayne. I mean...chapter 8 was everything. Wayne and Wax were a perfectly entertaining pair. Loved every page they were on.

That last 3rd of the book with the surprise entrance of Ranette was delightful. That gun was so cool to read about, very interesting.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Vicious | Review

―We could be dead.

―That‘s a risk everyone takes by living.”

(Spoilers :Lets be real...who of us knew Angie was 100% gonna die. )

Lets start with a Disclaimer. I am heavily opposed to Villainous actions. If you ever play those game where you can pick evil or good decisions. I always pick good, i can barely replay and pick the evil choices. So maybe I just couldn't get over that when reading this book. So that being said, lets begin.

I was having trouble getting through reading Vicious so I used Audiobook for car rides and physically read it at night and at work. If I didn't spend money on it I would have given it up. I do NOT recommend the audiobook. The narrator was just..bad. He sounded way too old to be Victor/ Eli. Some of the accents were just awkward. Not to mention when hes supposed to be voicing the little girls Sydney and Serena...

I don't understand why everyone liked Victor so much. I know they're both "villains" but how could I root for Victor, especially in the beginning against Eli.
Like when Victor killed Angie and didnt care, then when he first confronted Eli and just stabbed him. Like wtf kind of psycho..I dont understand people who like Victor.

I kinda hated Sydney, I wanted her to stop whining too.

I didnt like how small the book felt. Like it was all in one area and technically took a week. Though there was a 10 year gap. I felt the flow of time felt weird in the book.

Can we talk about the coincidences?? Finding Sydney? Theyre sisters? Same hotel? Like...come on.

I didnt like any of the characters really...

Did dying just make all of them assholes...except Sydney?

Is Eli really some Purifier of Mutants?
I didnt care to read as he twisted religion to meet his sick ideas.

"There are no good men in this game."

I absolutely hated the ending. I think I hated Victor so much that I didnt want him to win and was (kind of) rooting for Eli. Even though Eli was a murderer, so Im just conflicted. I suppose that was the point, is to not be able to root for either character. But if that's the case, 
(Spoilers: WHY THE HELL DID VICTOR WIN? Everyone on his team alive, Serena Dead, Eli in jail. Why were these people even following Victor? 
Besides the shadow guy, its obvious why he was, but what should have happened was shadow guy should have died, Sydney revive him. Because it sounds like her powers fix the bodies so...obviously he would have been fine. His powers messed up though...who knows. )

The one thing I felt like I could count on in this book was that both bad guys werent going to win..but nope, there was a victor. (spoiler, ha a pun!)
Im done with this. Did not like it at all. Most people say the sequel is worst, but I was never planning on reading it. I was at least hoping to enjoy this one.
How did so many people like this, I feel like Serena walked up to everyone that read this book and whispered 
"Like this book."
Its my only logical explanation.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Apollo Book Two | Review

"Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take whats left and live it properly. What doesn't transmit light creates its own darkness."

In the first book Apollo was annoying. Meg was annoying. The story didn't seem to flow very well. I barely remember most of it when I started book two.
I think I ignored most of it's faults and pretended it was better than it was because Apollo is my FAVORITE God and I couldn't NOT like a book about him. Also Percy makes some great cameos.
Why am I admitting those faults now? Well those faults made me realize how much better the sequel is. Apollo has a more balanced "full of himself" attitude but developed his human qualities. Not only that but we learn more about his past and his stories that make him who he is now and who he is becoming. Meg is less insufferable because you can see her bond for Apollo growing and her competence in her nature magic/ sword fighting is refreshing.

The connections between people and their stories was more compelling than most of his books in my opinion.
Particularly Commodeus and Apollo, it actually almost made me tear up with that one scene. Which I don't think has ever happened with a Percy Jackson book for me. The story of Emmie and Josephine is very endearing and wholesome as well. What a message in this book, its good to have younger audiences exposed to what Riordan writes. Acceptance, of others, of ones self, of our vulnerability. Deep and powerful stuff from him as usual.

Maybe it's because I haven't read the other Percy Jackson books in a while but this book feels more intense, with consequences, deep stories, realistic actions and, though its odd to ask for, sadness.  I cant tell if they're usually like this or if Riordan is specifically aiming for the fans that have grown up with these books to still be getting something deep out of his stories. 
(Spoilers: Specifically Im referring to Apollos love and loss for Commodeus, Megs childhood, the deaths at the waystation, beheading of Festus and of course RIP Heloise, you beautiful Griffin.)

Apollos transitioning into a more grounded character is pretty great to read. I was growing hesitant of him turning into a character that just talks to people and brings out the best of them and itd be pretty cliche and cringey. But that isn't always the case, which I was thankful for. (Spoilers: Im referring to when he finally tells Trophonyius that he should have been better choices and its his fault for wasting his life as a thief.)

I like how the end already foreshadows us seeing more DemiGods from past stories. So if you like alot of past characters, like we got with Leo and Percy so far, then you're in for a treat.

I hope Riordan is really relishing in his accomplishments. To create this world so big that he can find ways for his fans to come back to old friends.

P.S. I think youll notice I didnt mention the humor at all, I feel like I didnt need to. Most already comment on this and I feel I wanted to write on whats deeper in this novel. But I loved the witty banter and writing for this book. Im sure someone could describe it better than I, but its just FUN!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Deep Blue | Review

The book had a charming first half. I was quite interested and intrigued. The Characters didnt bug me which is what I was initially nervous of with this being a book about Mermaids and a YA area.

The third quarter started to drag it down. I was ready for it to be over and just some choices made by the author for the story werent quite compelling.

The last quarter, for the most part, saved it for a sold three star book. It has some interesting story elements and it DOES leave you wanting to know how it continues. Im just not sure if I want to continue.

Thats my basic review, continue if you want to know more specifics and nitpicks for the book.

Serafina, before the book blatantly tells you, is basically supposed to be the leader. She doesnt seem to have an power or fighting ability. But she doesnt seem to be much of the leader until the very end. I dont think it was well crafted how it came about.
The book makes it seem like Serafina is going to go out and scour the 6 seas for the mergirls, but they sorta just show up directly in her path on her way to their goal. She didnt have to do much of anything to bring them together.
I feel like she didnt do much to bond them together besides just...suggest it? Again I beleive there could have been more compelling way to write this.

Ive seen people praise for its world building. But honestly I dont see it. The main place they expanded on is the main city Miramara, which is (spoilers) destroyed in the beginning making her leave. After that the world doesnt even sound that great.

I feel like shes pushing a message (which honestly shes wrong about said message for the most part) about how awful humans are. Im very thankful she added a human that is sympathetic to the oceans (though he doesn't last long) but still felt like I was being hit over the head with the message.

The three initial mermaids are unique and compelling. I liked how Serafina wasnt some love sick useless character. (She wasnt particularly useful, but her journey was believable and she wasnt a hindrance for the most part)
After the 3rd mermaid though they kinda just throw in two more and they all just act like new best friends. Its a bit sudden and not at all compelling.
(Spoilers)Interesting that they are descendants. Though now its odd they just HAPPEN to be all female. Especially since Neela has a brother so he could have the same power as her.

Most characters after that werent great. It was certainly diverse in language and looks, but gender diversity/ equality is a bit lacking. Most of the men were probably evil, jerks, or literally generic. (Im referring to the group of mermen that are magically transformed to resemble colors, blue green and gray)
I'm assuming (spoilers) That Blu is actually the Prince. Since he was talked about being in the same area and he was naturally blue before the magic. I like the idea that I assumed this until the author made it so obvious in a scene that I decided it would just be bad writing if Blu and the Prince weren't the same person.

Spoiler about toward the end about Serafina and a Mermaid.
Similar to "plot twists" i guess you could call them, is whats going on between the two kingdoms and Serafina/ Astrid. It seems quite obvious they being set up, especially when the author is just throwing the proof in your face.
"Well YOUR kingdom uses this poison, and we found it. "
"Oh yeah? Well the assassins were wearing YOUR symbol and using YOUR poison."
Like hm..i wonder what this could mean. And then Serafina literally thinks
"Why doesnt this merlbitch use magic?" But then continues to not understand what Astrid is hiding when they discuss why she cant be the descendant of the most magical person/ why didnt she do such and such w/e plot about switching kingdoms. (I dont remember the specific thing she was supposed to do) But it seems quite obvious she cant use magic.

I dont think Im all that smart so if others are as smart or more than I than the author is doing a bad job of keeping plot elements in suspense. Also I hate the dialogue of two people not communicating when you KNOW what it is going to be but they are just too stubborn. Its irritating.

It wasnt terrible, probably also just wasn't for me. I thought itd be interesting, as a male reader to find a series like this and enjoy it for the whole series. But I think its one and done for me, I doubt Ill finish this series.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Mid Year Freak Out

1. Best book you've read so far?
I would definitely say the Mistborn trilogy (yeah its not one) but they were amazing together once everything falls into place and what was foreshadowed clicks, you're just left mind-blown. For arguments sake I would say The Final Empire would be my favorite. I loved the star wars rag tag team plot.

2.The Best Sequel you've read so far?
Oh look its Mistborn again. Specifically The Hero of Ages, it was breathtaking. Literally I was a tearing up in the end. (So you know you'll this will be here later.)

3.New release you haven't read yet, but want to?
Peace and Turmoil by Elliot Brooks. Its a chonker and I haven't had the time to invest into it yet.

4.Most anticipated release second half of the year?
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell, the sequel to Carry On. I cant believe this is getting a sequel and Im ready for it. Also Red Skies Falling by Alex London, sequel to Black Wings Beating (which you'll see later)

5.Biggest Disappointment?
Zodiac by Romina Russell. I decided to pick this one because I had no expectation coming into this book. (Usually that's why people put books on Disappointing lists because of what they expect to have received) She could have written anything with this cover and Zodiac plot idea, but she didnt write a good story. It's actually what sparked me into starting audiobooks because I couldn't bare to waste more of my timing trying to read this physically.

6.Biggest Surprise?
So instead of picking Mistborn again and saying "wow! i was so surprised I loved this!" Im going to say something different (and controversial) My biggest surprise after reading the first two Lord of the Rings novels is how they managed to make such good movies out of them. The books were so slow and it didn't feel like much was happening, I have to really give it to the film creators that they were able to make a mega motion picture franchise from the material.

7.Favorite New Author?
Easy. Brandon Sanderson. His Mistborn trilogy impressed me so much. Im already going to be starting second era, Way of Kings, and I still need to get to Skyward. Im ready!

8.Newest fictional crush?
Alex Claremont-Diaz from Red White and Royal Blue. He was so fun, and smart and I definitely loved following his journey.

9. Favorite new character?
Ben from What If It's Us. I had to stare at my "books read" this year for a while, trying to decide between Vin of Mistborn or Alex again from Red White and Royal Blue. Then I really thought about it and decided on Ben. Probably because he was most relatable to me. He does a lot of the same stuff I do. Hes a writer, plays the Sims. He was just so real and I really liked him, wish I could be his friend in real life.

10. Book that makes you cry?
Refer to number two. The end of The Hero of Ages had me stopping to just think about what happened, teared up, smiled. It was bitter-sweet for sure.

11.A book that made you happy?
A toss up between Running with Lions by Julien Winters and Red White and Royal Blue(again). I think RW&RB made me smile and laugh more but Running with Lions took me back to simple high school years. It was just fun and feel good.

12. Prettiest book 
you've bought?
Im going to go with one of the ones I've read because Ive bought alot of books this year with pretty covers. Black Wings Beating hands down has to win. Its how it even drew me in initially. I saw the title on the spine in the store, picked it and loved the cover! Read inside flap and was sold.

13.Books you need to read by the end of the year?
Ha! So many! The second Era mistborn trilogy and The Stormlight Archive if I can. I had a whole Summer TBR that just ins't happening at this point.
Like most readers you always make a dedicated reading list for the beginning of the year and then NEVER follow it. But Ill post mine for all the books I added in January but still haven't finished.

Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger
Evermore - Sara Holland (I did NOT like the first one and at this point I just want to read it to get it off my bookshelf)
The Return of the King (Im buddy reading this with a friend so Ill definitely finish this.)
The Storm Runner - J.C Cervantes
Skyward - Brandon Sanderson (funny enough I put this on my list before I even read Mistborn, I was planning this to be my first Sanderson book.)
Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi (I bought this with store credit and because it was so hyped but honestly its so far down my list I could probably remove it entirely)
Seafire - Natalie Parker (Also bought on sale at the store, probably not going to happen this year.)
WarBreaker - Another Sanderson book.
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare. (I was more interested in this late last year and is now low on my list to finish this series)
The Song of Achilles Madeline Miller
The Tiger's Daughter Rivera Arsenault
Love and Gelato - Jenna Welch (Really wanna read this summer because its such a season book)
An Unkindness of Magicians Kat Howard
The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch (SO HIGH ON MY LIST)
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan (its a pretty big Meh, would probably take this off my list as well)
The Last Wish Andrzej Sapkowski (I would like to get into the Witcher series)
Cinder - Marissa Meyer

I have added so many more books to my shelves since this year has started I should probably remake my 2019 TBR. (Im also mad because I was taking books off my TBR as I read but I wish I kept them so I could compare what I said Id read to what I actually read)