Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Deep Blue | Review

The book had a charming first half. I was quite interested and intrigued. The Characters didnt bug me which is what I was initially nervous of with this being a book about Mermaids and a YA area.

The third quarter started to drag it down. I was ready for it to be over and just some choices made by the author for the story werent quite compelling.

The last quarter, for the most part, saved it for a sold three star book. It has some interesting story elements and it DOES leave you wanting to know how it continues. Im just not sure if I want to continue.

Thats my basic review, continue if you want to know more specifics and nitpicks for the book.

Serafina, before the book blatantly tells you, is basically supposed to be the leader. She doesnt seem to have an power or fighting ability. But she doesnt seem to be much of the leader until the very end. I dont think it was well crafted how it came about.
The book makes it seem like Serafina is going to go out and scour the 6 seas for the mergirls, but they sorta just show up directly in her path on her way to their goal. She didnt have to do much of anything to bring them together.
I feel like she didnt do much to bond them together besides just...suggest it? Again I beleive there could have been more compelling way to write this.

Ive seen people praise for its world building. But honestly I dont see it. The main place they expanded on is the main city Miramara, which is (spoilers) destroyed in the beginning making her leave. After that the world doesnt even sound that great.

I feel like shes pushing a message (which honestly shes wrong about said message for the most part) about how awful humans are. Im very thankful she added a human that is sympathetic to the oceans (though he doesn't last long) but still felt like I was being hit over the head with the message.

The three initial mermaids are unique and compelling. I liked how Serafina wasnt some love sick useless character. (She wasnt particularly useful, but her journey was believable and she wasnt a hindrance for the most part)
After the 3rd mermaid though they kinda just throw in two more and they all just act like new best friends. Its a bit sudden and not at all compelling.
(Spoilers)Interesting that they are descendants. Though now its odd they just HAPPEN to be all female. Especially since Neela has a brother so he could have the same power as her.

Most characters after that werent great. It was certainly diverse in language and looks, but gender diversity/ equality is a bit lacking. Most of the men were probably evil, jerks, or literally generic. (Im referring to the group of mermen that are magically transformed to resemble colors, blue green and gray)
I'm assuming (spoilers) That Blu is actually the Prince. Since he was talked about being in the same area and he was naturally blue before the magic. I like the idea that I assumed this until the author made it so obvious in a scene that I decided it would just be bad writing if Blu and the Prince weren't the same person.

Spoiler about toward the end about Serafina and a Mermaid.
Similar to "plot twists" i guess you could call them, is whats going on between the two kingdoms and Serafina/ Astrid. It seems quite obvious they being set up, especially when the author is just throwing the proof in your face.
"Well YOUR kingdom uses this poison, and we found it. "
"Oh yeah? Well the assassins were wearing YOUR symbol and using YOUR poison."
Like hm..i wonder what this could mean. And then Serafina literally thinks
"Why doesnt this merlbitch use magic?" But then continues to not understand what Astrid is hiding when they discuss why she cant be the descendant of the most magical person/ why didnt she do such and such w/e plot about switching kingdoms. (I dont remember the specific thing she was supposed to do) But it seems quite obvious she cant use magic.

I dont think Im all that smart so if others are as smart or more than I than the author is doing a bad job of keeping plot elements in suspense. Also I hate the dialogue of two people not communicating when you KNOW what it is going to be but they are just too stubborn. Its irritating.

It wasnt terrible, probably also just wasn't for me. I thought itd be interesting, as a male reader to find a series like this and enjoy it for the whole series. But I think its one and done for me, I doubt Ill finish this series.

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