―We could be dead.
―That‘s a risk everyone takes by living.”
Lets start with a Disclaimer. I am heavily opposed to Villainous actions. If you ever play those game where you can pick evil or good decisions. I always pick good, i can barely replay and pick the evil choices. So maybe I just couldn't get over that when reading this book. So that being said, lets begin.
I was having trouble getting through reading Vicious so I used Audiobook for car rides and physically read it at night and at work. If I didn't spend money on it I would have given it up. I do NOT recommend the audiobook. The narrator was just..bad. He sounded way too old to be Victor/ Eli. Some of the accents were just awkward. Not to mention when hes supposed to be voicing the little girls Sydney and Serena...
I don't understand why everyone liked Victor so much. I know they're both "villains" but how could I root for Victor, especially in the beginning against Eli.
Like when Victor killed Angie and didnt care, then when he first confronted Eli and just stabbed him. Like wtf kind of psycho..I dont understand people who like Victor.
I kinda hated Sydney, I wanted her to stop whining too.
I didnt like how small the book felt. Like it was all in one area and technically took a week. Though there was a 10 year gap. I felt the flow of time felt weird in the book.
Can we talk about the coincidences?? Finding Sydney? Theyre sisters? Same hotel? Like...come on.
I didnt like any of the characters really...
Did dying just make all of them assholes...except Sydney?
Is Eli really some Purifier of Mutants?
I didnt care to read as he twisted religion to meet his sick ideas.
"There are no good men in this game."
I absolutely hated the ending. I think I hated Victor so much that I didnt want him to win and was (kind of) rooting for Eli. Even though Eli was a murderer, so Im just conflicted. I suppose that was the point, is to not be able to root for either character. But if that's the case,
(Spoilers: WHY THE HELL DID VICTOR WIN? Everyone on his team alive, Serena Dead, Eli in jail. Why were these people even following Victor?
Besides the shadow guy, its obvious why he was, but what should have happened was shadow guy should have died, Sydney revive him. Because it sounds like her powers fix the bodies so...obviously he would have been fine. His powers messed up though...who knows. )
The one thing I felt like I could count on in this book was that both bad guys werent going to win..but nope, there was a victor. (spoiler, ha a pun!)
Im done with this. Did not like it at all. Most people say the sequel is worst, but I was never planning on reading it. I was at least hoping to enjoy this one.
How did so many people like this, I feel like Serena walked up to everyone that read this book and whispered
"Like this book."
Its my only logical explanation.
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