Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Rage of Dragons | Review

Can you not imagine a world where we work as hard for Peace as we do for War?
Yes! This book was great! I honestly had no idea what I was getting into. The world was incredibly interesting, and yet you KNOW there is so little you know about it. The entire time you can tell you're only hearing about how the "world is" from just these people and that skews the truth. This story is Spartacus (the Starz Tvshow) meets Black Panther, and I love it.

This story is ultimately a journey for our main character Tau. And it is INTENSE, I honestly get tired just reading about his struggle. He is already a commoner, just trying to get by and live with his love as best he can. Then a terrible event in his life puts him on a path for Vengeance, and it BREAKS him in some ways, and makes him stronger in others.

I've never appreciated a love side plot more, it was perfect, wasnt over done, wasnt the focus, but you cared for both sides!
There's alot of gray area in this world and our heroes. It's incredibly gripping and thought provoking. 

Sanderson is usually the first name I would mention when I think of set ups for amazing moments in books. But Evan Winter is now on that list. The way he sets up certain events earlier in the book to pay off later are cleverly and intriguingly done.

The stakes are incredibly high and there's so much tension and twists!

-You'll stand in a world of char and ash.

-But I'll stand.

I wanted to point out the one difficulty with the book. It's diverse, and that's amazing, he has a glossary, and that's amazing, BUT these names were KILLING me. I would never recommend to change them or make them more digestible but I gotta say, besides the main character Tau and Zuri, I don't know what ANY of the other names are. Or most of the names of the powers or people. (Luckily the glossary atleast has those)

I would definitely recommend the audio book too. I shifted back and forth between it, and the narrator is amazing!

I do have some questions about the rules and story that may have been missed in translation but I walked away chilled at the events of these book and eager to see what awaits us for his future installments.

A dragon had been called, and someone would have to die.

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