"Toads and turds, girl."
This book was very frustrating. Usually what i will do is create a draft and input my thoughts as i read the book. Sometimes, in the case of this book, there is so much bad crap that its more like a full rant and its too hard to take it all and turn it into a digestible review. So I'm going to leave it mostly unedited on my blog and you can head to my Goodreads where Im going to write a review from scratch.
Some of my most earlier thoughts were it was REALYL frustrating and annoying how much she shat on Edan. I suppose if you like the enemies to lovers trope, then this will tickle your fancy.
An issue that was quickly dawning on my that before even the half way point (around 10 hours out of the 15 if you look at the audtio book) and the competition is almost over. And the competition wasnt even handled well.
After the scene with the fire, I just got so irritated. She REALLY cant tell someone that the creepy guy was all up in her business and setting fires and shit, like the court magician cant do anything?
There seemed to be no intellect or interest in the actual competition.
I should have known this was going to go downhill when in the very beginning, Maia sees Lady Sarnai and shes actually beautiful, but looks sad or something, and sees what shes wearing and how she likes to wear it. I ASSUMED that this would give her an advantage and shed make something that Sarnai likes or whatever, but no...she just makes something beautiful, puts her face on it, and then Sarnai hates it because its yellow. And this just never comes back up, the contest is never interesting in terms of her doing something creative or USING what she has learned about Sarnai to help her win. They set up that they possibly have ALOT in common, and you almost think that it will be Sarnai and Maia together, females helping females, but no....its definitely not.
Oh ffs, when the princess lady chose Norbu, I was just so done. I wanted to DNF and just be like "whatever bitch, have fun, bye" and just leave. Thats my head canon.
And then that hypocrite bitch finds out shes a female and just says to whip her and then kill her in the morning?
I dont care if this is like a set up to get her out and get her on the princess' side? which it better be. (me from the future, its definitely not)
Dont let her "I did this to delay the marriage" thing work on you to gain sympathy(which seems that way at the end of the book), bc she still ordered her whipped and hung before she lost her memories...
So is the court magician gay or what? I almost feel like its random queer baiting? Like why is this even brought up or mentioned so much?
Really? Forgetful magics?
One of the most forced and awkward scenes. When the magician and Maia aren't together, but theyre pretending to be married, and theyre supposed to go off to bed, everyone in the group is telling them to kiss? like wtf, who would chant this? Do they ask all couples to kiss each other before they go to bed? its fckn weird and cringey and forced bc we know they like each other but arent actually dating yet.
Ooooh eeew we have one of those "Im 500 years old, and your like 18 or something" sigh
5 hours left and its gone into full forbidden romance mode or something.
Shes not even sewing shit anymore
I think Ive just now realized something, does every novel have to act like couples are endgame. Like he does the whole "you deserve to be with someone who can be with you, etc etc" I mean..its not like they have to get married. Im getting strong edward bella vibes.
The idea sounds cool to go and find strange objects to create outfits out of, sun moon and stars, but its barely prevalent.
Some praise the cultural world, of middle eastern and far eastern culture, but I didnt get it, probably missed it when I was busy smacking my head with this book over the romance.
Maia was too passive. Nothing at all like Mulan. She didn’t make the story happen. Things in the story simply happened to her and she reacted to it.
There is no artistic depth presented to her craft. She doesnt really seem to go into any specifics on how she does the art. Or more importantly why, and where her amazing dressed come from.
A thought occurred to me while this Bish was climbing a mountain. I think this could have been more compelling if her brother showed up after the competition, and went with her on the journey. And together they achieved getting the supplies. His story is as tragic as Maias if not more so. And she just doesnt fit these tasks. We could have gotten more depth out of her artistic adventure, and her brother trying to overcome his physical struggles or ptsd from the war/ feeling like he failed. What a lost potential.
I just don't care about her doing these tasks, its unrealistic. You can even still have the story of them rescuing Edan from his Genie chains WITHOUT the romance...I mean..Aladdin did it just fine.
Were the scissors a mistake? It created an awkward tension of her not being able to use them because that diminishes her accomplishments. And then it just become a mscguffin to get her out of whatever she needs to later.
The flower part? "You accepted my flowers? der?"
"Why does that matter, its not a tradition in my country"
"Well Im not from your country, where im from, if you accept flowers that means you agree to court me" SHUT THE FCK UP
Why do these relationships have to go from 0 to 100? With no fckn subtly...
The only interesting thing is that Edan is basically a genie, and they bring in "Aladdin themes"
How is this mulan?
He would give up his magic to be with her? ok....sure....i believe you
So now that they are actually together he calls her by her boy name, but called her by her female name when they werent together. just shut up
Yall nastys have been traveling the desert and icy mountains and shit and then youre gonna stick your tongues down each others throat. We can assume your nether regions are worst.
I kinda missed it, but did she make the carpet and then Eden magicked it to fly? thats pretty cool, neat idea, but I think it failed and they fell?
We get the "see dead loved ones in the underworld" cliche. This was LITERALLY in Reflections.... It really only worked then because we already knew Mulans family. We didnt get to know Maia's family. This is so much wasted time, so annoying.
Didnt she just use the nut with sunshine for the last 2 items? Not very unique or compelling, find a new trick.
What was the point of her going back to "help" Edan when enemies appeared? I think she just hindered him?
When speaking to the monk:
"I can see you love your husband. But he loves you more. True love is selfless, and you are very young"....hmm. Do I need to point out the many issues with this?
Shes gonna be a demon, and shit is falling apart and the first thing we get is a monk telling Maia how special Edan is and his love
I bet the "happy tea" is forgetfullness tea. (I was right, didnt see that coming)
Oh look they get back and the emperor is a big a hole, jesus who would have known. And REALLY? Hes going to punish the magician, jesus I hate when people are so illogical.
I dont really care about how she described the dresses, bc she had no journey to create them. Theyre just amazing and mystical. WTF was even her journey in creating them. The "trials" to get them seemed to hardly mean anything from her except for the dead island one. It was just a bunch dumb romance.
Whats with the anticlimatic scene where the dress doesnt work, so she just takes out her scissors all casual like and then it just immediately starts working? And now the Emperor is just like MAN PUT THIS ON, YOU ARE NO MAN, SO PUT IT ON...? k?
That ending was just....boring... You really ended it like that?
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