Friday, January 4, 2019

Amber & Dusk | Review

Let me start with a disclaimer, its probably my fault I DNF'd this book. When I received this book and heard the description. A girl who wanted to come into a court and make herself belong with the powers of illusion. I was VERY intrigued and fascinated. I imagined this cunning, intelligent girl scorned by her abandonment own and deceive her way through this court. (If youve read Captive Prince very similar to Laurent)
Mirage would talk about wanting to play the "game" learn secrets and all that. Which would have been REALLY cool with her powers. I imagine her disguising her self as others, or even making herself invisible and learning all these secrets. I dont think she ever really plays the "game" its not that kind of court book.
She should act like a Slytherin, instead we get a Gryffindor.
We get a prideful, hot headed, head strong girl. Like a bull in a china shop she just crashes into this fancy posh court and claims she belongs.
My main problem with this (for the non spoilers) is this story and plot doesn't fit this character and especially not her powers of illusion. Anyone I think familiar with this power set knows it as deceptive, intelligent, tricky, and cunning ability. This is not Mirage at all. I can understand that the point was that Mirage didnt want to mirror the current world but dream up her own. Sounds interesting sure but didnt fit the plot that was created.
One of her really good friends Thiibo is randomly rude to her alot for no reason. And Im not sure why she just doesnt say f*** this bye.

Everyones constantly telling her to leave and warning her, but she doesnt want to stay because shes brave and wants to help, nope, she just thinks she DESERVES to be there and its her RIGHT. It just makes a bad character to follow.
I got to page 253 so..yeah I read most of it and this is still my feelings.
I read the last chapter and could surmise a bit of what happened, but it just was too frustrating to continue.
It also reminded me ALOT of Shatter me, just primarily the relationship between Mirage and Sunder, and I am so definitely not a fan.
Id give the book at most 3 stars because I think writing is quite nice with its descriptions and set up a good world. This just wasnt the book for me. Just disappointed from what I excepted from this kind of book.

Below is detailed scenes that I think would have developed better, so you could call it spoilers:

Right at the beginning of her meeting the court she goes in all dirty..and I just thought it would have been interesting for her to cast an illusion on her self to look really gorgeous.

She could spy on sunder with her illusions.

The scene with the Red Rain Ball where she was deceived into not being able to use her powers. So she just runs off to Sunder to call him out on it, and he basically just woos her and says some nonsense and they move on. (I get it later he was protecting her from showing the empress her powers but it was dull and boring.)
What REALLY should have happened (especially if she is supposed to be this strong willed blunt girl) is Mirage just rip off her necklace, throw it down and just make this epic Illusion and just awe the crap out of everyone. I was FEELING all this pent up annoyance and injustice and just NOTHING happens. It was really frustrating to read.

Lastly, I feel it would have been more interesting for as a villain. She even told Dowser (i think) that she would be an assassin for the Empress with her powers. So that would have been cool. OR even the fact that she could take the Empress' place and no one would know because she would be tricking them.

I just feel like the author did nothing interesting with her powers and am really dissapointed.

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