Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Rise of Kyoshi | Review

Honestly there was alot of good quotes, but I wasn't marking them.

As much as Kyoshi wanted to stay, in a single, frozen pool of moments, the current carrying them forward was too strong.

I really enjoyed this. If you're caught up on all Avatar shows and lore or content, Kyoshi fits right in while making her own place.

Kyoshi has one of the hardest upbringings of Avatars that we've seen so far. You can see why she becomes the hardened blunt Avatar Aang meets and learns about. All the connections we come across that lead back to the Last AirBender are always a treat.

We learn about her signature style and weapons. We learn a little more about the past Avatars. Most interestingly, and for the first time, we can see each of the 4 nations living at the same time. It was very interesting to hear about how Earth, Water and Air have their own issues. I dont know if this was on purpose or not, but Fire is never mentioned as such, and seems to honestly be the strongest of the 4 nations. Which I think is a perfect casual set up for why Sozin thinks to start the war.

If you recall from the show:
Sozin commented that the Fire Nation was going through a period of great prosperity and wealth and told Roku that together, the two of them could spread it throughout the world by expanding the empire, to make a "brighter future" possible.

I like that Kyoshis world shows why this thought process is possible.

After Aang, Korra was refreshing in her more brash and bullheaded attitude. Kyoshi takes it even a step farther, born into a world with more strife than Korra's. Although there is a little too many similarities between the two sometimes... I almost wish we could have had Korra communicate with Kyoshi at some point.

Anyway, clearly I'm very happy with the story and lore. The writing was also well done, the explanation of Bending was clear and well done, it seemed to have the same respect for the art as the show did.

Very excited for the sequel!

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