'No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are. ''
Remember this line from the show as you read this.
I mean what more can I say other than, We get the answer to what happened with Zuko's mother!
I cant believe it took me so long to read this.
I wont be going into what actually happens to Ursa. I will just say I think it was very well done, logically and emotionally compelling.
What I want to put attention to is, "What does this book do for the Avatar world in general? How does it fit in with our established lore?"
I loved it, I think this book was more memorable than The Promise graphic novel. I wanted to go over some of the themes this book covers, and tie ins to the original. (and even a nod to the future)
I don't believe what Im going to talk about is spoilers, but if you dont want to have any ideas you can stop here. Just know that the art is incredible! Inspiring honestly. And you will love every second of exploring the Avatar world from this book.
Some of the themes I liked:
Siblings. This isn't just about Zuko. Azula also needs to find her mother. The fact that Sokka and Katara are on this journey too isnt just a coincidence, and is a nice reminder of healthy and unhealthy sibling relationships. And the sibling theme doesn't stop there!
Faces and Mask. These are very prevalent in this book and work well to weave what we already know. We see the origin of Zukos famous blue spirit mask, and how it ties to Ursa and her background. We get a mention of our favorite centipede Koh - and a new spirit that is incredibly and beautifully realized in this book!
There is a quick nod to female water benders from the north, its nice how some things are not forgotten, it makes what Aang and the group did have lasting consequences for the world.
Very interestingly, if you have the edition I have, you learn how they were working on Korra book 2 Spirits at the same time as this. Alot of the development of how spirits work was essentially worked out in this book and used in Korra (or vice versa) This was an awesome little tid bit and make a fan like my self feel the care and thought they put into making this world grow.
I highly recommend, the stories in this book are fascinating and art beautiful! I expect nothing less from this franchise and they've done it again!
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