Friday, November 29, 2019

The Bands of Mourning

Two Worlds, but no Home.

Road trip! I didnt know what I would have wanted from the this third installment, usually Brandon Sanderson does just fine. But this was perfect, getting out of Elendel was a wonderful way to switch it up.
If anyone is fans of Dragon Age it gave me that feel of leaving one of the main continents and going to a new one where their practices are far different.
And New Seran sounds so beautiful I wish I could go. Kudos to the map artist who created it.
Of course we dont get too much time in it before the group brings all hell upon themselves! In typical Wayne and Wax fashion.

I love how we get little snippets of the first era. Like when Marasi sees a statue of Vin and contemplates her character and history I only just read Mistborn a couple of months ago but I feel the same way the characters in Wax and Wayne do, like as if it was many years ago I read her epic story.

I absolutely love how the relationship of Steris and Wax was cultivated. That kiss, falling from the Ascendant Field was really well written. I loved the slow burn, the two discovering each other and falling for one another. Honestly one of the best relationships I've seen written by Sanderson.

My main concern, and its an odd one and just a personal concern, is that I was still not wanting something so grand from this series. I thought it was a more condensed, fun old west style book. Now dont get me wrong, I dont mind the technology advancing. Im actually getting big Legend of Korra vibes (like Mistborn was the original series with Aang and Korra is  2nd era) and I love this.
But in typical Sanderson fashion we are getting some BIG world-threatening cosmic interference stuff. Sanderson is one of the few authors that I 100%   trust so wherever he's taking this I know it will be interesting. I think I was just hoping for something a little less heavy.

Besides all that I love this series, and would actually reread it more than Mistborn just for the fun nature and lighter over all plot.

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