Monday, February 11, 2019
Zodiac | Review
I haven't read a book that started off so intense and already gut wrenching in a long time. Only into Chapter 5 and I'm already jaw-dropped thinking "oh shit."
Unfortunately it doesn't get much better after this.
She gets her role right in the early parts of the book that really felt like should have happened at the end. Like she becomes Mother from her actions throughout the book.
The "romance" is hardly necessary. I know its natural to find people attractive. But I dont like being pulled out of the story for Rho to internally debate and think about how she feels being close to Mathias or how her first thought when seeing Hysan is "we cant date or kiss".
You know what we need before an epic end of the battle fight, a love triangle. Thanks.
Im giving this a book a 3 because if I cant think exactly what i don't like about the plot or why it bores me I just leave it to "not my thing" kind of emotion.
One thing I think can contribute to why it seems boring is the villain compared to the protagonist. At no point does it ever seems like she has an advantage and there is never "hope". It just makes you not care whats happening.
That was my initial thought until the 3rd part of the book. Im definitely giving this a book a two. I dont understand the authors plot choices or ideas. If you want more specifics spoilers below. But I dont recommend this book. Its quite boring and brings nothing new.
Whats actually laughable, is when Rho is trying to leave the main ship on her wasp. And she leaves with out Mathias but "blowing a hole to clear the door way as her ship is swept into the stars" Ok this right here sounds she just took everyone out into space with her. But before I can even really think about this the whole ship blows up and she thinks he died how RIDICULOUS is it to have her leave a side character to protect him and him "die" because of her actions a minute later. Its just bad writing.
The whole idea of how she becomes the leader and then gets kicked out after the fight is just dumb. Literally within the last chapter she gets news her brother is ACTUALLY dead, and a page later he calls her and tells her where he is. So shes going to go get him. But we dont even see her go get him, so there was no pay off. Why did she even write this in? Why wasnt he just with the rest of the refugees?
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Kingdom Hearts
"May your heart be your guiding key"'
I have 3 sources of pure love for pop culture in my life. That is Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter, and lastly, and the subject of this blog: Kingdom Hearts.
My reading is definitely taking a nosedive for a couple of weeks due to the KH3 release. Ill make a formal review later but here I just wanted to discuss what makes Kingdom Hearts so great to me.
Growing up I wasnt very close with my family. I moved half way across the country from any extended family and that left me with just a my mom, dad and sister. Honestly any teenager can probably relate to not being close to their family growing up even if there arent issues, thats just adolescence. But to me that means Friends were everything.
Playing through Soras adventure really impressed on my young imaginative mind the idea of an unbreakable connection to your friends. I liked the passion that went into the game and the bond of these characters. Ive always been a Disney fan too. Its cute to play through the worlds and see the characters you love as you help them and create relationship with them. Its really how I used to live as I grew up. School, work, wherever I went I liked to make friends and bring them together. Bonds with humans is one of the most interesting things and something I think about alot. Sora does too.
Alot of my writing is based around strong bonds with characters and the intangible feeling of ones "heart".
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